Natural and man-made landscapes
There are places on Earth that have not been changed by humans. These are called natural landscapes. Landscapes that have been changed by humans are called man-made landscapes. There are three different types of man-made landscapes: agricultural landscapes, which have farms, industrial landscapes, where there are factories, and urban landscapes, which are cities. In this unit we are going to learn about natural and man-made landscapes.
Esta secuencia contiene:
8 actividades
21 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
There are places on Earth that have not been changed by humans. These are called natural landscapes. Landscapes that have been changed by humans are called man-made landscapes. [...]
How natural landscapes form Landscapes that humans have not changed are called natural landscapes. Natural landscapes form slowly over millions of years. The landscape is transformed by different features in nature. [...]
Agricultural landscapes Agricultural landscapes are natural landscapes that humans have changed so we can grow crops and feed livestock. Not very many people live in agricultural landscapes. [...]
Urban landscapes Urban landscapes are man-made landscapes with very few natural features. They are towns and cities. Many people live in urban landscapes. They are the landscapes with the highest population. [...]
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Eight million people live in Tokyo and twenty-four million people live in the cities that surround Tokyo. The majority of the population works in the service industry. [...]
There are places on Earth that have not been changed by humans. These are called natural landscapes. Landscapes that have been changed by humans are called man-made landscapes. [...]
Analyse a landscape What do we do? In this activity, we will look at and analyse a landscape. Follow the steps described below. Find a photo of a landscape. Look in magazines or on the Internet. [...]
There are places on Earth that have not been changed by humans. These are called natural landscapes. Landscapes that have been changed by humans are called man-made landscapes. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
9 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
10 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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