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Subtropical climate and vegetation

Subtropical climate The Canary Islands are in the Earth's tropical zone. They have a subtropical climate. Winters are warm and summers are moderately hot. The climate is strongly influenced by the cold currents of the Atlantic Ocean. The Canary Islands get little rain because of the hot, dry winds from the Sahara desert. Lanzarote and Fuerteventura are the most arid islands. It rains a little more on the other islands. [...]

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
  • Formato:


Recurso educativo

Cursos y asignaturas

  • 10 años:
    • Biología
    • Sociología
  • 11 años:
    • Biología
    • Sociología

Tipo de recurso

  • Interactivo
  • Teoría

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