The Greek world
The Greek civilisation developed on the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea and in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean. The civilisation was based on the polis. Poleis were independent city-states. However, they were united by a shared language and religion. The first governments were oligarchies (small groups of aristocrats). Later, in Athens, democracy was introduced and the citizens had a say in government. [...]
Esta secuencia contiene:
10 actividades
69 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Didactic objectives Understand the geography of the Greek civilisation and recognise its place in history. Describe the political organisation of the first poleis. Explain the causes of the Greek colonisation and expansion. [...]
1. The Greek world: the poleis Greek civilisation began in the Balkan Peninsula and the coasts and islands of the Aegean Sea. It was a mix of different peoples who had migrated to Greece over many years. [...]
The Greek civilisation developed on the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea and in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean. The civilisation was based on the polis. Poleis were independent city-states. [...]
1.1. One civilisation Ancient Greeks worked in agriculture (olives, vineyards and wheat), livestock farming (goats and sheep) and fishing. They traded throughout the Mediterranean. Greece was politically fragmented. [...]
2.1. The creation of the colonies Between the 8th and 6th centuries BC, many Greeks migrated to coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. [...]
3.1. Democratic institutions In the 5th century BC, Athens became a democracy. The citizens participated in politics and were protected by the law. [...]
4.1. Everyday life in Athens Like most Greek cities, Athens was surrounded by walls and had narrow streets. There were no sewers, water was scarce and no one collected the rubbish. The streets were full of activity. [...]
5.1. The kingdom of Macedonia and Alexander the Great Macedonia in the north of Greece was governed by a monarchy. Its king, Philip II, conquered many Greek cities in the 4th century BC. [...]
The Greek civilisation developed on the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea and in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean. The civilisation was based on the polis. Poleis were independent city-states. [...]
The Greek civilisation developed on the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea and in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean. The civilisation was based on the polis. Poleis were independent city-states. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
12 años:
- Historia
- Geografía
13 años:
- Geografía
- Historia
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