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Mostrando resultados de 385518
  • Introdución - Memorias dun río | Recurso educativo 584391

    Introdución - Memorias dun río

    EduBook Organización

    • 1812 visitas

    A abundancia de ríos é unha das maiores riquezas coas que conta Galicia. Dende os ríos grandes (o Miño, o Eo, o Arnoia…) ata os regatos pequenos, é rara a poboación de Galicia que non conte…

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  • Introdución - Golfiño | Recurso educativo 584468

    Introdución - Golfiño

    EduBook Organización

    • 1814 visitas

    Nos plans urbanísticos de todas as cidades e vilas aparecen proxectados parques e cada vez se lles dá máis importancia ás zonas verdes. Un parque no medio dunha cidade actúa coma un verdadeiro…

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  • Prepara. Enquisa | Recurso educativo 584560

    Prepara. Enquisa

    EduBook Organización

    • 1804 visitas

    Prepara unha enquisa para coñecer os hábitos televisivos dos teus veciños, familiares e amigos. Podes preguntar: O número de horas que dedican a ver TV. O tipo de programas que ven (informativos,…

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  • Answer. Changes in the Earth's surface | Recurso educativo 584654

    Answer. Changes in the Earth's surface

    EduBook Organización

    • 1815 visitas

    What are the two kinds of geological forces? How are mountain ranges formed? What is a volcano? What causes an earthquake? Where do they occur?

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  • Complete. The rural population | Recurso educativo 584732

    Complete. The rural population

    EduBook Organización

    • 1810 visitas

    Complete this text with the correct words: In Spain,% of the population is . This means that they live in municipalities of than 10 000 inhabitants. When the rural population is , they live in houses,…

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  • Complete. Columbus's voyage | Recurso educativo 584879

    Complete. Columbus's voyage

    EduBook Organización

    • 1803 visitas

    Complete this text with the correct words: Christopher Columbus's three ships left the port of on 3rd August . After two , they arrived on the island of in the Bahamas.

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  • End-of-unit final evaluation T04 04 - The age of discoveries | Recurso educativo 584907

    End-of-unit final evaluation T04 04 - The age of discoveries

    EduBook Organización

    • 1811 visitas

    Who was Christopher Columbus? Why did he want to sail west across the Atlantic? Who refused to give him money? Who finally gave him money for his expedition?

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  • True / False. Spain in the 17th  century | Recurso educativo 584937

    True / False. Spain in the 17th century

    EduBook Organización

    • 1809 visitas

    Are these sentences true or false? Philip III and Charles II built a large and powerful empire in the 17th century. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Spanish Empire included possessions in…

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  • Look and answer. A working-class house for several families | Recurso educativo 585052

    Look and answer. A working-class house for several families

    EduBook Organización

    • 1810 visitas

    Look at the picture and answer the questions: Describe the house. How many rooms does it have? Describe the toilet, the bedrooms and the kitchen. Describe the furniture in the house. Explain how they…

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  • Look and answer. Bones | Recurso educativo 585302

    Look and answer. Bones

    EduBook Organización

    • 1804 visitas

    Look at the photo and answer the questions: Describe the size and shape of the bones in the photos. Can you name the bones? Find out more about the structure of bones in an anatomy book or on the Internet.

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