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Recursos educativos de Ciencias naturales para Sexto grado de Educación primaria

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Mostrando resultados de 18621
  • The Solar System - The Solar System | Recurso educativo 584630

    The Solar System - The Solar System

    EduBook Organización

    • 1749 visitas

    The Solar System is made up of all the celestial bodies that are affected by the Sun's gravity. The most important of these are the planets. Planets Planets are large, round celestial bodies that…

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  • The estates of society | Recurso educativo 584964

    The estates of society

    EduBook Organización

    • 1749 visitas

    Estates An estate was a particular class of people which you belonged to from birth. During the Modern Age, Spanish society was divided into two groups: the privileged and the unprivileged. Privileged…

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  • Look and answer. A bourgeois mansion | Recurso educativo 585045

    Look and answer. A bourgeois mansion

    EduBook Organización

    • 1749 visitas

    Look at the picture and answer the questions: The bourgeoisie normally lived in big apartments or houses with many modern comforts. How many floors does this mansion have? How many rooms does it have?…

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  • Self-assessment T7 07 - The 20th century and the world today | Recurso educativo 585171

    Self-assessment T7 07 - The 20th century and the world today

    EduBook Organización

    • 1742 visitas

    Are these sentences true or false? Frank Lloyd Wright was an artist who used the Cubist style. Most wars and conflicts today affect some of the world's poorest populations. The first democratic…

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  • Learn. Find out why we have minerals in our bones | Recurso educativo 585336

    Learn. Find out why we have minerals in our bones

    EduBook Organización

    • 1743 visitas

    What do we need? Two cooked chicken thigh bones. A jar with a lid. Vinegar. Weighing scales. What do we do? Bones contain lots of minerals. In order to test the function of these minerals, we will see…

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  • True / False. Types of neurons | Recurso educativo 585399

    True / False. Types of neurons

    EduBook Organización

    • 1743 visitas

    Are these sentences true or false? There are three main types of neurons. Each type has a different function. The sensory neurons connect the sense organs to the muscles. Interneurons work separately…

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  • Light | Recurso educativo 585521


    EduBook Organización

    • 1743 visitas

    What is light? Light is a form of energy. It produces changes in the things that it shines on. For example, light makes it possible for plants to grow. We can convert light into electrical energy using…

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  • Unha paisaxe de montaña | Recurso educativo 585679

    Unha paisaxe de montaña

    EduBook Organización

    • 1751 visitas

    O lugar de Teixeira, pertencente ao concello de Folgoso do Courel, é un exemplo de paisaxe de montaña de Galicia. Situado na Serra do Courel, o concello presenta un relevo de estreitos vales…

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  • O castelo feudal | Recurso educativo 586171

    O castelo feudal

    EduBook Organización

    • 1751 visitas

    Os castelos estaban amurallados, tiñan torres de defensa e, a miúdo, un foxo. As dependencias do castelo situábanse ao redor dun gran patio central. Na torre da homenaxe vivían o señor e a súa…

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  • Selecciona. A vida dos monxes | Recurso educativo 586183

    Selecciona. A vida dos monxes

    EduBook Organización

    • 1749 visitas

    Sinala cales destas frases relativas á vida dos monxes son correctas: Os monxes vestían hábito e seguían unha regra moi estrita. Repartían a xornada entre a oración, o traballo manual e o estudo.…

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